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Single Developer Game Studio

Today you can do whatever you want. You can even create your own game studio only with some passion and creativity. Free access to all the software and capabilities you need makes it possible without investing a big amount of money. Just try it out - be creative.

I did and I'm happy about it. It's true, there is a lot of work behind it, but if you like it it's no real work. I love to create things, to tell a story and write automations and logics. With game development you can do this all together. And if you don't like to do it all for yourself you can buy some ready to use assets for your game.

I found this solo indie developer game studio, because I loved to develop board games as a child and I do enjoy to program a lot, now. But why solo? Because I don't want to depend on others. Me developing games should be fun and when I don't feel like it then I don't want to get in the situation where I have to. Forced creativity can be very messy and can destroy the whole magic around it. Don't get me wrong, I do love to be around others and work in a team. But if you make business with others you have to bear some responibility. While doing some kind of art, I personally want to be independent.

Right know I'm working on my first game to be published. Feel free to check it out!

My first Project

To get the whole experience in developing a game I paused my main project (see Lowpoly Wiggles Remake) and started a new small one to experience every step in finishing a game. And there are a lot of steps, believe me or not. This was important for me because I realised, that I wasn't aware of every steps during the devolompent of my main project. That leads to some dead ends where I have to rework the whole project once and again.

So my first game had to be simpler and smaller. Because I love to play local multiplayers with my friends I started a project called "Couch's Not Dead" (see Couch's Not Dead). Especially with game Minigolf from Little Big me and my friends hat a lot of hours of laughter. That's why I chose the same concept with some features of Golfcraft (a very funny Mod of Warcraft 3) and other games like the Chicken Horse Game.

Because I want to focus more on the programming stuff I invested in some very nice lowpoly models from synty studio (I love you!). That saved me a lot of time and let my game look awesome on my opinion.

Couch's not Dead

Couch's Not Dead is a project from me where I want to publish simple local multiplayer games. I love to play games with my friends together. Due to more and more online games only a minority of games give the possibility to play them together locally. With this project I want to take action against it. At the same time I use this opportunity to learn more and more about publishing games. Because the biggest hurdle is not to develop a game but to pubish it.

Lowpoly Wiggles Remake

One of the best and underrated games I played is the game wiggles (engl: diggles) developed by SEK GmbH. The combination of a building game and a RPG game makes it very unique. Unfortunatly, the game had only a moderate success, mostly because it was too computationally heavy for that time. The developer studio had to shut down and there was no remake of this fantastic concept.

On that day I promised myself, that when I'm developing my games on my own, I will revive this concept to let people play a similar wiggles game like back in the good days. Thanks to free access to the game engine unity and a lot of youtube tutorials from brackeys and other youtubers (I will share a list of my favorites) I'm getting closer and closer to my goal.

But first things first: Right now I'm developing on my first small game to get the full experience of developing and publishing a game.